It includes the territory of the Douro River hydrographic basin, the transitional waters of the Porto estuary and the associated Atlantic coasts.
The international river basin district of the Duero is the largest in the Iberian Peninsula with 98,103 km2. It includes the territory of the Duero River hydrographic basin, as well as the transitional waters in the Porto estuary and the associated Atlantic coasts. It is a territory shared between Portugal (19.6% of the territory) and Spain (80.4%). There are around 400 linear km of border between Spain and Portugal crossed by different fluvial axes, highlighting the Duero itself, and creating enclaves such as the striking Los Arribes canyon along about 100 km.
The territory of the Douro hydrographic basin is distributed in 7 Autonomous Communities of Spain: Castilla y León, Galicia, Cantabria, Castilla – La Mancha, Extremadura, La Rioja, Community of Madrid and Asturias; and by the Portuguese districts of Braganza, Guarda, Vila Real, Viseu, Porto and Aveiro. Territories include surface water, groundwater and coastal waters, as well as protected areas and artificial and highly modified bodies.
Both the fluvial courses and the morphological formations configure, along the border that crosses this hydrographic demarcation, three well-differentiated spaces. On the one hand, the Galician-Leonese space, where we can find rivers that are born in the Spanish Hercynian massif and flow towards Portugal, either with a border route or flowing directly into the Duero. On the other hand, we find Los Arribes, the space occupied by a spectacular canyon excavated by the Duero River itself, with a drop from 564 meters above sea level. This unique territory is modified by hydroelectric dams and has several protection figures. Lastly, we can find the territory of Águeda, where the border follows the course of the river Turones until the confluence with the Águeda.
On the Portuguese side, the Duero Hydrographic Region occupies the first place in dimension among the basins of the national or international rivers that cross the country.
Given its extension, this Duero Hydrographic Region – RH3 includes 74 municipalities, 47 of which are fully included in this RH and 27 partially covered.
With regard to the hydrographic network, given the displacement of the course of the Duero River towards the south of the “axis” of the basin, the main tributaries on the right bank are usually larger than those on the left bank. Among the main Portuguese tributaries of the Duero, the Sabor, the Tua and the Tâmega stand out on the right bank, while on the left bank we have the Côa and Paiva rivers.
It is worth mentioning some tectonic-structural elements such as the fault corridors in Régua and Vilariça and the load-bearing mantles in the Braga area.
The hydrological plan for the Spanish part of the Douro Basin District currently in force was approved by Real Decreto 1/2016, January 8, approving the revision of the Hydrological Plans for the basins districts of Guadalquivir, Ceuta, Melilla, Segura, Júcar and Western Cantabrian, and for the Spanish part of the basins districts of Miño-Sil, Duero, Tajo, Guadiana, Ebro and Eastern Cantabrian Sea, in compliance with article 83 of Royal Decree 907/2007, of July 6, which approves the Hydrological Planning Regulations.
On December 22, 2021, the public consultation period for the Draft Hydrological Plan Project for the Spanish part of the Douro River Basin for the period 2022-2027 ended. After that period, the proposals, observations and suggestions that, where appropriate, are considered appropriate will be incorporated into the hydrological plan project proposal, which will require the mandatory report of the Water Council of the demarcation. Said hydrological plan project proposal, with the agreement of the Committee of Competent Authorities on the program of measures in its corresponding sphere of competence, will be submitted to the Government through the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, for its approval. The approval of this new review will lead to the repeal of the second cycle Hydrological Plan, approved by Royal Decree 1/2016, of January 8. Once this review has been formalized, it will be notified to the European Commission, a milestone that must occur no later than March 22, 2022.
In Portugal, currently, the Management Plan of the Douro Basin District in force was approved by Ministry Council Resolution, n.º 52/2016, September 20, corrected by Declaration of Rectification No. 22-B/2016, of November 18, through which the Management Plans of the Hydrographic Region of Continental Portugal for the period 2016-2021 are approved.
Currently, work is being done on the revision of the aforementioned Plan for the period 2022-2027. During the first half of 2021, the projects of the Management Plans of the Hydrographic Regions were submitted to public consultation for a period of six months. The final versions of these plans will be published with a deadline of December 22, 2021.
Rivers and reservoirs
ES / PT Name
Arroyo de Prado Nuevo, arroyo del Manzanal, ribeira Prateira y arroyo de la Ribera desde cabecera hasta confluencia con el embalse (albufeira) de Miranda / Ribeira da Prateira
Embalse Aldeadávila / Albufeira de Aldeadavila
Embalse Bemposta / Albufeira de Bemposta
Embalse Miranda / Albufeira de Miranda
Embalse Picote / Albufeira de Picote
Embalse de Pocinho / Albufeira do Pocinho
Embalse Saucelle / Albufeira de Saucelle
Regueiro das Veigas desde cabecera hasta frontera con Portugal / Rio Assureira
Río Águeda desde cabecera hasta el embalse de Irueña, y río del Payo. Rivera de Lajeosa y regato del Rubioso / Ribeira da Lajeosa
Río Águeda desde confluencia con la Ribera Dos Casas hasta el embalse de Pociño / Rio Águeda
Río Calabor desde cabecera hasta frontera con Portugal / Rio Sabor
Río de Cadávos desde cabecera hasta frontera con Portugal / Rio Assureira
Río de la Gamoneda desde cabecera hasta frontera con Portugal / Rio Baceiro
Río del Fontano desde cabecera hasta frontera con Portugal, y arroyos de las Palomas y Chana / Rio de Onor
Río Manzanas desde aguas arriba del pueblo de Ríomanzanas hasta el comienzo del tramo fronterizo con Portugal, y río Guadramil y arroyo de Valdecarros / Ribeira de Guadramil
Río Porto do Rei Búbal desde frontera con Portugal hasta confluencia con Villaza, y regato do Biduedo y ríos da Azoreira y dos Muiños / Rio Porto de Rei
Río San Lourenzo desde cabecera hasta la frontera con Portugal, y ríos Pentes, Abredo y afluentes / Rio Rabaçal
Río Támega desde confluencia con río Vilaza hasta confluencia con río Pequeno o de Feces (en frontera de Portugal), y río Vilaza, regatos de Aberta Nova y Regueirón / Rio Tâmega
Río Támega desde confluencia con río Vilaza hasta confluencia con río Pequeno o de Feces (en frontera de Portugal), y río Vilaza, y regatos de Aberta Nova y Regueirón / Ribeira de Cambedo
Río Tuela y afluentes desde cabecera hasta la frontera de Portugal / Rio Tuela
Río Turones desde límite LIC y ZEPA “Arribes del Duero” hasta confluencia con la rivera de Dos Casas / Ribeira de Tourões
Río Turones desde punto donde hace frontera con Portugal hasta límite LIC y ZEPA “Arribes del Duero” (tramo fronterizo) / Ribeira de Tourões
Rivera de Azaba desde confluencia con rivera de los Pasiles hasta confluencia con rivera del Sestil, y afluentes / Ribeira de Nave de Haver
Rivera de Dos Casas desde límite del LIC y ZEPA “Arribes del Duero” hasta confluencia con el río Águeda / Ribeira de Tourões
Tramo fronterizo del río da Azoreira / Rio Assureira
Tramo fronterizo del río Manzanas / Rio Maçãs
Tramo fronterizo del río Mente / Rio Mente
Tramo fronterizo del río Pequeño o río de Feces / Ribeira de Feces
ES / PT Category
Río / Rio
Río / Rio (Albufeira)
Río / Rio (Albufeira)
Río / Rio (Albufeira)
Río / Rio (Albufeira)
Río / Rio (Albufeira)
Río / Rio (Albufeira)
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
Río / Rio
ES / PT Nature
Natural / Natural
Muy modificada / Fortemente modificada
Muy modificada / Fortemente modificada
Muy modificada / Fortemente modificada
Muy modificada / Fortemente modificada
Muy modificada / Fortemente modificada
Muy modificada / Fortemente modificada
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
Natural / Natural
A way to make Europe
Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
through the Interreg VA Spain-Portugal Programme (POCTEP) 2014-2020